1Praise! is our heart felt outpouring of genuine worship and adoration of our Heavenly Father
Worship & Prayer
My heart is steadfast, O God;
I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul.
2 Awake, harp and lyre;
I will awaken the dawn!
3 I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples,
And I will sing praises to You among the nations.
-Psalms 108:1-3 NASB
Focus: Worship (Relationship of laying down ourselves and glorifying the Father):
Learning together...
1. How "worship" isn't the 3-4 songs sung before a church service, but a way of life, lived out daily.
2. How we bring our offering of worship through our thankfulness, brokenness, obedience, and Love.
3. How God provides the understanding of how He longs for us to worship Him through The Word, when we simply listen.
4. How our giving (not just our tithes & offerings, but our whole lives for His glory) is our true and proper worship
5. How our prayer is a form of worship, before the Father.
6. The importance of unifying as one family, through worship, as the Lord dwells amongst us, receiving the freedom and healing that He desires for His "body".
5 characteristics of Godly Worship:
Jubilant- Feeling or celebration expressing great happiness and triumph in His sacrifice and His accomplishments (a heart of victory)
Undivided- complete focus on God. Not ourselves or what we are doing, for Him. (A heart of focus)
Desperate- Having a great need or desire for Him. (a heart of dependence)
Authentic- Not false or copied; genuine; real (a heart of transparency)
Humble- Having or showing a modest or lower estimate of one's own importance ( a heart humility )
*Connecting the dots: A heart seeking true identity, in Christ , discovers how laying oneself down for worship of the Father, produces the desire, in us, for an encouraging, healthy community, as to grow together towards who God has called us to be.